Colin insists on reading this book
This is one of his favorite scenes in the book.
This is the other book
I think it is a great book. I especially love how the authors relate the things that are happening to mommy to the children in a way that they can understand.
Colin is over the moon with the idea of becoming a big brother. He lights up like the Griswold's house at Christmas time when you call him big brother. He asks all day if the baby is napping and if it turned off the lights in my tummy so the baby could go night-night. Every night before bed we read the big brother book together and he gives our baby (my tummy) lots of loves. These little moments have almost erased the memories of playing with the Lego's in the bathroom during what should have been mom's "private time".
We are taking Colin with us to the ultrasound on Monday, I hope he enjoys seeing his little brother or sister (Colin says it's a sister)on the tv screen. I hope it doesn't confuse him :) We are all excited to find out the gender on Monday, only a few more days!
What a sweet post! COngrats to the new family & I can't wait to find out who is going to be the newest member :0)
That is so cute!! How precious!
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