This has been sitting on my desk for weeks. It was supposed to be part of a pin cushion for the PMQG October swap. I ended up getting a cold and didn't make it to the meeting. Or getting the pin cushion finished :) The devilish character was inspired by this fabric...
I have a few scraps left over from the trick-or-treat bag I made Colin last year. I really like having embroidery patches in my sewing projects. Here is my drawing I used for the embroidery, feel free to use it for your own little project.
I think (wishful thinking here) that I will make it into a little mug rug for Colin. I just need to get myself motivated enough to sew. It is doubtful/highly unlikely this will happen before Halloween. I cannot seem to get anything done unless it is something I can do in the living room and requires only a few supplies.
Happy Halloween! Just in case and more then likely I will not blog again before Sunday, seeing as I hardly ever get on the pc anymore.
that is so cute
He was even cuter in person! I'm so glad you shared the pattern - maybe I can motivate myself to stitch him up for something. :)
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