I needed a sewing fix so Colin and I decided to make him some reusable snack bags inspired by this
When I say Colin and I made them together we really did. He helped me pick out the fabrics, helped hold the ruler while I cut, and he sat on my lap and helped me sew them. I was amazed when we turned them right side out that the road lines on the, Heather Ross, Rabbits and Race Cars print all matched up. We made one with Velcro and one without. I like the without version so much more. For that one I did a bigger flap and left some extra room on the top for folding it over
these are awesome...and make great hand puppets too!!!
those bags are a great idea-we go through a lot of them here :)
i love the print he picked!
Cute! I need to make some of these for my daughter's lunches.
I picked up the copy of Lunch Bags I had on hold at the library. Your project's super cute! And that's a gorgeous picture of you in the book. Nice job.
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