Monday, March 15, 2010



There I said it. I am now official 29, well I have been for a week. I had a wonderful birthday that started out with my husband surprising me by taking a vacation day from work and it ended with a fantastic birthday dinner at Christina's house.

I share my birthday with my Grandma Pat. She is an amazing women. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for her. In fact, I  think I am lucky to share so many of her characteristics, not to mention her since of style.  The family usually gets together for lunch or breakfast but we had to postpone this year. My Grandpa just had a complete knee replacement. He is recovering quickly and hopefully will be back to fishing before too long.

Back to me :)

I was, maybe still am, having a hard time with the number 29. And to prove that it is/was valid I found my first white hair this weekend (and it was a long one). Thank goodness I did not find it before my actual birthday. I can only imagine the melt down I would have had and the enormous amount of shopping I would have to do for therapy :)

Today I have been 29 for a week and you know it is not that bad. I have decided to make this year a good one, to make the most of  the last year of my 20's.



Laura Hooker said...

Happy Birthday...I have been 30 since December...It gets better, IN MY OPINION! Age is nothing but a number~right?

kendall.micayla said...

happy birthday! i hope that it was a lovely day for you... the pictures are so beautiful too!

Dee said...

Many Happy Belated Returns of the Day! Flowers are an awesome consolation for gray hairs! LOL Glad you had a good day!

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

I think I felt the same way with 29 if you remember. It was a great year and really, turning 30 was much easier.

I'm all for shopping to chase away the blues! ;)